It is a water-soluble compound, which is synthesized from boron, and is known as borax. Borax is used as an effective product to eliminate cockroach pests. This product originates in stationary lakes, in evaporite deposits, as a consequence of evaporation. One of the advantages of this product used to eliminate cockroaches is that it is an economical substance that can be easily obtained. It is ideal to kill unwanted guests.
You will never see only one cockroach in your house, there will be more than a dozen over there. They hide during the day and get out during the night. They prefer to live in places that offer humidity and darkness, and do not need large spaces to deposit their eggs.
To eliminate the cockroaches, the first step is to identify each of the corners where these insects are because there is where you have to begin the extermination with borax. I have to emphasize that borax is very effective in eliminating cockroaches, however, despite being a natural substance, it can be toxic if it is not used with caution.
How is borax prepared for cockroaches?
Lines below we will explain a simple method to make your own borax, but if you want to avoid all the risks, you can choose to buy it, it is not that expensive. The places where you can buy it are pharmacies, drugstores, or chemical products houses, and you ask for it as sodium borate.
They are completely crushed crystals, like dust. After using it, if you have something left over, remember to keep it in a dry container.
How to apply borax to eliminate cockroaches
To apply it, you only have to look for the places where you are going to spray the dust.
To avoid any poisoning, you should apply it mainly in places where children and pets do not have access. Spray the borax around the corners of your house where you think the cockroaches are hiding, and you will see how effective it is once they have consumed it.
Borax is one of the alternatives we have to eliminate cockroach pests, and this is because it turns out to be a very toxic substance for these small insects.
How to make homemade borax easy? “Not recommendable”
One of the ingredients is hydrochloric acid (muriatic acid), which can be obtained very easily in any supermarket. This chemical must be reacted with salty water (the mixture must be made in equal parts). The final result will offer large white crystals.
The procedure at a glance is simple, but it carries its risks. Therefore, if you decide to prepare it on your own, you need to have a protective equipment such as glasses, a lab coat or something that covers completely your skin and a mouth cover because the mixture is toxic and hydrochloric acid can damage the respiratory tract.
Once we have the crystals, we will filter the boric acid. This is done to eliminate the excess of bicarbonate and get the final result stronger to kill the cockroaches. Once the crystals are dry, you can check it with filter paper, you can store them and then use them. Apart from that, it is not necessary to do anything else.