We can feel chills imagining the cockroaches moving around our house.
Cockroaches can cause diseases such as salmonella and also trigger asthma.
There are approximately 4,500 species of cockroaches in the world. It is considered that only thirty are harmful. But, can they fly?
Can cockroaches fly?
Have you ever wondered if cockroaches can fly? The answer is yes, but only some, not all.
Do all the cockroaches fly?
Although cockroaches have wings, most of them do not fly well or cannot fly. However, some cockroaches fly very well, while others simply move from one place to another for a short period of time.
Species of cockroaches that can fly
- The Suriname cockroach is a wood borer that causes damage to vegetation. When it is an adult, it measures between 18 and 24 mm in length. The female has wings and its head is slightly black. Only the male can fly for short distances.
- Australia’s cockroach is a tropical cockroach and it is widespread. When it is an adult, it measures between 23 and 35 mm in length. It looks like the American cockroach although it is a little smaller and it has a yellow border on the chest.
- America’s cockroach is the most common species. It measures between 25 and 40 mm and its color is bright reddish brown.
- Periplaneta fuliginosa cockroach is abundant in parts of the southeastern United States. It is brownish black. It can reach 38 mm in length. It is one of the few cockroach species that fly well.
- The Blattella asahinai cockroach is present in Southeast Asia. It looks identical to the Blatella germanica cockroach. When it is an adult, it measures between 13 and 16 mm. Its color is light brown and it can fly.
- The wild Loboptera decipiens cockroach is among the most common species. It measures between 13 and 30 mm in length. It is dark brown, and its wings are a slightly paler brown. The females have small wings and cannot fly although the males do fly.
- Cuba’s cockroach is a small cockroach that appears in Cuba, the Caribbean, Florida, and Texas. The females are much larger, they can measure up to 24 mm, while the males only reach 15 mm in length. Its color is pale green or greenish yellow. It is very good at flying.
- The Megaloblatta cockroach is the largest flying cockroach. It can reach up to 10 cm in length and a wingspan of 18 cm. Native to Central and South America, it is not considered a pest.
Can baby cockroaches fly?
Baby cockroaches (nymphs) are smaller than adult cockroaches and cannot fly. In fact, while they are in the growth phase, they do not have wings.
How do cockroaches fly?
Although cockroaches have two pairs of wings, they only use one. The front wing pair is thick and acts as a protective cover. The wings are the same color as the body of the cockroach and rest against the back of the insect when they do not use them. The pair of hind wings (including cockroaches that use them for flight) are membranous and thin. They are below the front pair.
When they fly, the cockroaches raise the front and back wings. Flying cockroaches keep the front wings raised and move through the air using the rear pair.
Why don’t cockroaches always fly?
As we have seen previously, most cockroaches are clumsy when flying and do so for short periods of time. In fact, they are much more efficient and fast tracking.
In comparison with other flying insects, the size of cockroaches goes in relation to their wings.
Cockroaches have six legs capable of covering equal distances to 50 lengths of their bodies per second. Each leg is covered with sharp, silky spines whose length varies when they have to crawl.
How to eliminate flying cockroaches?
The best way to get rid of flying cockroaches is to follow the necessary preventive methods to make the place less attractive. The following actions are effective:
- Eliminate the source of food. A constant supply of food is what makes the house attractive to cockroaches. You can get rid of this attraction by keeping the leftovers in airtight containers and emptying the garbage can daily.
- Cockroaches grow in dirty environments. Keep the house clean and try to make your home free of food debris. You must put pet food out of reach of cockroaches.
- The mess. Eliminating clutter in your home will reduce the number of places a cockroach can hide. Be sure to store food in plastic containers and do not accumulate newspapers or magazines.
- Cockroaches like dark and damp places. Periodically check the drain pipes and look for traces of cockroach activity in the cracks in the walls and baseboards. If so, try to repair them.
More details: home remedies to eliminate cockroaches.
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